Formation Evaluation
The Key to a Successful Reservoir Operation

Empower your Reservoir Management Decisions
with GeoEnergy Formation Evaluation Consultancy Services
GeoEnergy delivers robust Formation Evaluation consultancy services to the oil & gas companies, customized to fit every project needs. Providing well data interpretation using a variety of petrophysical techniques to determine several reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, shale volume, and rock thickness. This information is used to assess the hydrocarbon potential of the formation and to make decisions about exploration, development, and production.
Service Deliverables
precise NMR analysis of porosity and fluid parameters.
has a proven track record in performing evaluations for wells in major petroleum provinces worldwide.
modeling of unconventional plays is calibrated with extensive well log and core data from prolific basins.
complex carbonate reservoirs.
reservoir analyses in diverse environments, including clastic, carbonate, shale, and basement formations.
in generating and upscaling reservoir descriptions for accurate static and dynamic modeling.
encompass cased-hole well log analysis
log, core, geological, and well performance data to provide comprehensive evaluations.
is achieved through the integration of detailed core descriptions and well log properties.
complex lithology in clastic and carbonate reservoirs.
well log and core analysis programs tailored to meet formation evaluation requirements.
sand modeling, even in challenging low-resistivity environments.
integrated open-hole well log and core data evaluations for key volumetric parameters.
Simplifying Complex Data Challenges with GeoEnergy
GeoEnergy supports oil & gas companies in identifying and characterizing hydrocarbon reservoirs, estimating the volume of hydrocarbons, determining the flow properties, designing production, and development strategies, monitoring reservoir performance over time, reducing the risk of exploration and development, and optimizing production operations.

Services Key Features

Evaluating reservoir quality

Monitoring reservoir performance

Risk assessment

Why GeoEnergy?
Optimize your reservoir performance with GeoEnergy’s robust petrophysical analysis and formation evaluation consultancy services.
With GeoEnergy’s Formation Evaluation consultancy services, you will:
Improved Business Productivity
Ensure your teams are focused on core operational activities while we manage the data intricacies.
Enhanced Data Quality
Navigate with confidence with our high-quality data management, ensuring reliable and accurate data.
Operational Consistency
Relish the benefits of smooth transitions and operational consistency with our resource-optimized models.
Unwavering Quality Commitment
Our devotion to high-quality standards assures no compromise on data quality and integrity.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of your reservoir with our expertise!
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our expert and explore how our comprehensive subsurface data interpretation solutions can push your operations forward.